Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eric Clapton - Let It Grow

1-31-12 Last day of January and it feels like April.  60 degrees and sunny all day.  Had to really push to get out of the office early, but I really wanted to take advantage of this weather.   On Tuesdays, I have been starting work about 6:00 at home, going to the office at 8:00, after I take the kids to the bus stop and then leaving about 4:00 so I can get home in time to run.  The nice thing is that it is staying light a lot later now.

I ran on the golf course and it was so nice.  It is a very hilly course though and a lot of work in some areas.  It is kind of different running on a golf course because you will see a landmark and you will be getting close and then you have to turn as the cart path takes you to another hole.  Just when you feel like you have gained a lot of distance, you feel like you are starting over and the same landmark is off in the distance again.  Probably not a good route to take if you are in a hurry to get finished because mentally you will feel like you are not making headway.  But...if it is 60 degrees and sunny on the last day of January you just have to go for it and enjoy the scenery.  There are even plants budding and crocuses coming up. 

Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow.

Such a pretty song.  It was funny though, I was coming up to a "fork in the road" or in the cart path, at the snack shack.  One way headed toward #6 and the other toward #14.  I only needed to run another mile to get my 3 miles in and was wondering which way I should go, when this song started.  It cracked me up.

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