Friday, February 17, 2012

Matchbox 20 - Unwell

2-17-12  I am not feeling well.  I actually stayed home from work Wednesday and went back to bed after I took the boys to the bus stop.  Slept until 11:00 am, can't even remember the last time I did that.  Needless to say, I missed my running plan for Wednesday.  I talked to my coach (Kai) on Thursday because I wasn't sure if I should still try to get all of my running in or if keeping my rest day on Friday would be more important.  Kai told me to pick up with the plan, as is and not try to make up what I missed.  Rest is more important.  Healing the body is work and needs to happen.  I worked all day Thursday and went home about 4:30 to run.  It was cold, wet and windy outside and I still didn't feel that well so I didn't run.  Crap!  I got up today and decided to do a short little run, just to get moving a bit.  I ran 1.5 miles.  I still think I can do 9 tomorrow.  I just hope I don't get sick again, this really throws a wrench in to things. 

I have a planned vacation day today.  Took the boys to Tim Hortons for our Friday donut outing (I have never eaten a donut there, or anywhere in about 40 years).  then I took Heidi to the groomer, then I ran my measly old 1.5 miles (which used to be a normal/long run for me), now I need to shower and I have a haircut at 10:15.  after that I am going to clean the house and then everyone and everything will look good.  Yeah!

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell
I know, right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired
I know, right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be

Usually I go running and whatever song happens to make me smile or reminds me of something good or funny, ends up being my song.  The music happens to me.  Not today, I picked that song because that is how I have felt for a few days, now I am done with that unwell feeling. (mine was physical, not mental) The sun is shining outside.  All is good, going to the beauty parlor, meeting my friend Beth for a late lunch, Mom and Dad coming to visit. It's pizza night.  Life is good.

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