Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Up Arond the Bend

2-1-12  Another great day.  I ran in the morning and it was 50 degrees.  It rained overnight so the roads were wet and smelled like fresh worms, yuk.  Other than that, the weather was perfect, no wind.  I was feeling a little tired, I think from all the hills that I ran yesterday so I chose a fairly flat route today through the new Wedgewood neighborhood and through Campden Lakes.  Very quiet at 7:45 am, with the exception of kids waiting for the bus.  Funny how kids feel a need to run to the bus stop at full speed.  I saw a kid running and thought the bus must be coming and he was afraid of missing it, but no.  there was no bus in sight.  Then I saw another kid doing it.  Are they anxious to get to school?  Are they anxious to see their friends at the bus stop?  Are they excited about getting out of the house and away from Mom telling them to take their bowl to the sink, to tie their shoes, to remember their glasses, to stop hitting their brother, to flush the toilet, to tuck in their shirt, to comb their hair, to use a kleenex, to close the door, etc. ?  I think it is nothing more than kids having much more energy than me in the morning and needing to use it!

There's a place up ahead and I'm goin' just as fast as my feet can fly
Come away, come away if you're goin', leave the sinkin' ship behind.
Come on the risin' wind, we're goin' up around the bend.

Great running song, really keeps you going.  Not much more to say than that.  Lots of CCR's songs have a bouncy tempo, good to keep you moving and singing.  I really like to sing when I run.

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