Friday, February 24, 2012

Jethro Tull - Too Old to Rock n Roll

2-24-12  Today was a great day!  I needed to run 5 miles today and decided it had to be early because the forecast wasn't looking good.  It was 46 degrees at 6:00 this morning and by 9:00 the temperature is going to start dropping, the winds are going to pick up to 50-60 mph and it will start snowing.  I would guess that the winds were already 20-30 mph and that made running pretty hard.  My route was mostly out and back, North/South, but even sideways wind is difficult.  So why was my run good, a few reasons.  First, the heavy winter pants that I have been using on most days are starting to fall off.  I had to tuck my shirts inside the pants today hoping that would hold them up a bit, but I still had to keep hiking them up. Kind of looked like Erkel!  Oops, sorry that's not the right Erkel, let me try again!  Ha-ha!

 I have lost three pounds in the last two weeks and I think it all came off the middle!  Yeah! Another reason is that even going against the wind today, which felt like it was slowing me down a lot, I still had my best time yet, since I have started this training.  I'd really like to get my short runs faster and take it slow on the longs runs, concentrating more on distance there (well that and just finishing).  The other reason that this is a good day is that I did all my running I was supposed to do this week, even though I had to adjust my plans due to work commitments and I still will have a full rest day before I go for 10 miles on Sunday.  Last week really bummed me out having that nasty cold and feeling like crap.  Finally feeling a lot better.

Tonight is the first Friday Fish Fry and everybody is going.  We really have fun there.  All the boys eat their dinner in 5 minutes flat and then run around the Parish Hall for the next hour while all the parents socialize.  I have had three friends text me already this morning asking if I will be at the fish fry.   Who would have thought years ago that I'd be spending my Fridays during Lent at the fish fry at church?  Nobody! 

Listened to Jethro Tull today.  I saw him many years ago, possibly at Cobo Hall, not sure where but it was an indoor concert, not at Pine Knob.  I had seats in the3rd row, front and center.  Ian Anderson stood at the edge of the stage, felt like he was leaning right out over us.  This picture is exactly how I remember him.  Apparently he started out playing the electric guitar but gave it up, allegedly because he felt he would never be "as good as Eric Clapton.  He traded his electric guitar in for a flute which he clearly turned out to be pretty darn good at! 

Now they're too old to Rock'n'Roll and they're too young to die.

So the old Rocker gets out his bike
to make a ton before he takes his leave.
Up on the A1 by Scotch Corner
just like it used to be.
And as he flies --- tears in his eyes ---
his wind-whipped words echo the final take
and he hits the trunk road doing around 120
with no room left to brake.

And he was too old to Rock'n'Roll but he was too young to die.
No, you're never too old to Rock'n'Roll if you're too young to die.

This is the Jethro Tull band in early days, look how young they were.  Great band, great fun today, gotta run, lots to do!  

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