Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Arlo Guthrie - Coming into Los Angeles

2-29-12 Leap Day.  Columbus Ohio broke a weather record today, 70 degrees!  Yesterday I woke up to 21 degrees!  Quite a difference.  There were tornado watches tonight though, you cannot have a 50 degree shift in temperature without some unstable conditions.  I came home from work around 4:30 pm and ran 5 miles.  The weather was incredible, but I dressed too hot.  I just had a hard time, mentally, putting on shorts.  I wore long pants, a short sleeve shirt and then a quarter zip.  The zip came off and was tied around my waist before I finished a half mile.  I was sweating the whole run.
How does a tiny pebble get in your shoe and always find its way to the ball of your foot?  Especially when you know it wasn't there when you put your shoes on and you aren't running on gravel???  Mine didn't show up today until I was at about 4 miles.  No way was I going to stop at that point to untie my shoes (which I always double tie and that takes more work to undo).  I just kept going and it annoyed me for the rest of the run.  
I ran in a bit of a clover leaf pattern with three big loops that kept bringing me close to home.  There had been a threat of ever weather so I wanted to be close to home at any point along the way.  It actually didn't materialize, but that is okay.  I ran past my very favorite house and the path next to it that connects the walking paths of two neighborhoods. 

My run was better today than it was yesterday.  that seems to be the pattern.  Long run on the weekend is good.  Rest.  Short run on Tuesday, is hard.  A middle length run on Wednesday, getting better.  Nice run on Thursday.  Rest.  Long run on Saturday.  Start all over.  The plants are starting to pop up all over.  My gnomes are ready for spring.

Romney won last night by a close margin in Michigan, much larger in Arizona.  All the media crap is annoying me.  Carl Cameron said last night in some sort of effort to acknowledge that Romney won "Well, Romney managed to not embarrass himself by losing in his home state".  Does that mean "win"?  Wow.  Santorum declares victory.  Not sure what Gingrich and Paul are saying.  I don't want Ron Paul to run for President, but I'd love to have him over for dinner because he just cracks me up.  Sometimes his comments are genuine to a huge fault and he is like a little kid that doesn't seem to know better.  Like, when asked by John King about an attack ad on Rick Santorum where Paul called the former Senator a fake, Ron Paul's response was, "because he is!" with that twangy whiny voice and a little chuckle follows.  Next week is big, Super Tuesday.

After listening to Richie Havens yesterday, I was in a Woodstock mood today and listened to a few songs from that album/collection.  A lot of the songs from that concert are about the war, peace, drugs, freedom, etc.  This one is a classic.  While many are touting freedom and peace and states of mind, this one is just asking for customs to please not check his bag as he comes through the airport.  What?  Got something to hide?  Yes.
Coming in from London
From over the pole
Flying in a big airliner
Chickens flying everywhere around the plane
Could we ever feel much finer?

Coming into Los Angeles
Bringing in a couple of keys
Don't touch my bags if you please
Mister Customs Man
My favorite Arlo Guthrie song is Alice's Restaurant.  It is so long, I think about 15 minutes.  It is always played on the local radio in Detroit on Thanksgiving Day and I can remember going for a run and having that song occupy almost the entire run.  I think it was WRIF that used to always play that, maybe every city plays that, I don't know.                                                                 
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just a half a mile from the railroad trackYou can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant  (exceptin' alice)

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