Saturday, February 4, 2012

Billy Joel - The Piano Man

2-4-12  It is another rainy day in central Ohio.  37 degrees and rain, ugh!  Today completes week 2 of running, still have my cross training tomorrow before week 2 is officially done.  It is going to have to be a very early morning bike ride, early enough to make it to 7:30 mass so that I can come
 home after that and cook Super Bowl food. Looks like I'll be on the bike about 5:00 am on the recumbent cycle in the basement.  Scary.

I am thinking chili, wings, Mexican layered dip, cheese and crackers, and of course no junk food party is complete without french onion dip, lots of it!  Our friend Richard's firm has tickets for the game (they are based in Indianapolis) so he has two tickets and is taking a client.  We invited his wife Patti to join us for the game.  I am cooking and she is bringing wine.  We'll need some beer too.

I ran 7 miles today through Big Bear Farms, then past Seldom Seen Road and all the way to Rutherford.  I love the name of that road, must have been hard to find at one time long ago and people started referring to it as "that road that is seldom seen".  What else could it be? 

Saw a few ducks along the way too.  Funny thing, when it rains we go inside, but not the ducks, they get in the water and start swimming.  I think I need to start getting in my car and heading to some trails to run.  Every house looks the same in some of these new developments, gets a bit boring.  

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To forget about their life for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"

I loved this song when it first came out, still do for that matter.  I remember being in Clearwater Beach, had to be spring of 1974 and wishing I could hear the song all the time.  Back then, you listened to a radio and hoped that your favorite song would be played.  During the mid 70's eight tracks were starting their decline and cassettes were on the horizon, but there certainly weren't any iPods. For me, I only had record albums and hadn't yet purchased a Billy Joel album. You listened to whatever the DJ on the radio wanted to play and it was driven by the billboard charts.  Interesting about this song, it really is based on a piano lounge in LA that Billy Joel played in regularly and the characters in the song are real people that frequented the bar.  Glad my name wasn't in the song, "and Pam, the head teller from Michigan, who never had time for a ......" (fill in the blank), ha-ha.

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