Sunday, January 29, 2012

Joe Cocker - Feelin alright

1-29-12 Woohoo!  Week 1 of 18 is done and it all was fun and easy.  No aches and pains. The ony thing I can complain about is the wind today.  Normally I would have my "long run" on Saturday, but this week I switched my Saturday and Sunday because I went to Athens, Ohio on Saturday for Matthew & Carson's last collegiate performance with Viking Magic for this season.  I hope they want to do this again next year because we all had so much fun. We made some new friends, saw a few college campuses that we wouldn't otherwise have gone to see. (ar at least not for about 8 more years).  Yesterday was Ohio University in Athens.  Great game & great performance.  The bobcats won against Ball State.  It came down to a 1 point game in the end.  Several of us went to the PigSkin for lunch afterwards.  One of our friends has a son and daughter that go to OU and their daughter works at the PigSkin.  Coincidentally, her daughter knows 2 boys that have Chase connections.  ONe boy has already secured a job in IT at Chase working for a good friend of mine, the other is the son of a friend of mine that I have worked with at Chase since the old Bank One days and my job managing the Ohio Child Support Payment Central division of the bank. 

As you travel southest in Ohio, the landscape changes dramatically and it is very beautiful.   The Hocking Hills, Hocking River, Wayne National forest, all beautiful areas.  we decided on our drive that we need to [plan a weekend in Hocking Hills.  They have many cabin rental int he area, lots of fun for hiking, fishing, biking, etc. 

Today was supposed to snow, it did not.  I bought YakTrax yesterday so I would be prepared for snow on the ground because I needed to run 6 miles today.  Oh well, at least I have them now for whenever it does snow.  I ran 6 miles through my neighborhood and Big Bear Farms across Powell road.  It was really windy.  I don't know how windy but there were white caps on the water at the golf course and as I ran past a small lake with a big center foiuntain, I got a blast of the water sprayed in my face, so that is windy.  As I am writing this, my wind chime outside is going crazy.  The first three miles I ran uphill with the wind at my back.  Not too bad and I was looking forward to the run home because it would basically be a downhill run.  Crap, I forgot about the wind.  I was running straight in to the wind.  My pace was almost 2 minutes slower on the way home because of the wind.

Feelin' alright
Not feelin' too good myself
Feelin' alright
Not feelin' too good myself
Love that song, not sure what it means, a little contradictory I think.  Anyway, decided this was my song for today because I was really feeling alright as I ran my 6 miles.  This is a long distance for me to run.  I once ran 7 miles, this past summer and felt like a cripple later because I had not really ramped up to 7, just started running one day and kept on going, kind of like Forrest Gump.  Today felt good though.  There really is value in training and ramping up to a running distance.  next week I will run 7 miles for my long day.  The following week I go back down to 5 miles and then after that it really starts taking off.  I am very excited about this.

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