Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dan Fogelberg - Leader of the Band

2-9-12  Today was a good day.  I have been waiting for the last couple of days to get the announcement about a deal that I have been working on.  During that time, if I went out to run, I just got anxious about it and worried that I was going to get a call and be a couple of miles form home, on foot.  When the deal was announced there would be some immediate communications that I had to launch. I was up last night until midnight on conference calls getting updates on the status of this, so we were pretty sure it would happen at 10:00 am Thursday.   Anyway, the announcement came, I took care of what I needed to and then went for a run without stressing over work. 
Obama's Mortgage Settlement Boosts
Warren Buffett's Wealth by $154 Million

After that, got cleaned up and went out for my monthly book club. this month we read Steve Jobs biography.  I have not finished it.  It started out good, then got a little boring and I lost interest.  I have been assured that it really picks up again, so I will finish it, but it is not some thriller that you pick up and cannot put down.  Steve Jobs on the heels of Stephen King is a totally different pace and hard to transition.

I had a bad run on Tuesday and never ran on Wednesday.  Partly due to the above anxiety and partly in response to the leg/shin pain .  A day to heal and to be totally engaged in work, 24/7 was what I needed to do. 

Today I ran 4 miles through a neighborhood that is across Sawmill Parkway called The Lakes of Powell.  It was a nice change of scenery.  A pain in the ass getting across the road, but nice once you do.  It was a little cold, but it was sunny and no wind.  I do not like wind so I was happy.  I listened to Dan Fogelberg today.  He is an incredible songwriter, composer, instrumentalist and singer, too bad that he is gone.  The song below is obviously written about his father.  although, I saw on a Q&A site of Fogelberg's where a fan asked him who he wrote the song about!!!  Fogelberg wrote and recorded this when he was 30 years old.  It just seems to be such an insightful and touching song for someone to write at age 30.  I guess 30 is beyond the rebellious stage and maybe he never even had one.  My impression of many young men (and some women too) is that they stray a bit from the knowledge and recognition that their parents are so valuable in the shaping of their lives and then they come back.  I am betting that Dan never strayed.  I think the last line says it all though.  The thing here is that most people have this regret after someone is gone.  Dan wrote this about a year before his father passed away.  His father got to hear it firsthand from him.

An only child alone and wild
A cabinet maker's son
His hands were meant for different work
And his heart was known to none
He left his home and went his lone
And solitary way
And he gave to me
A gift I know I never can repay

A quiet man of music
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love through discipline
A thundering, velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand

The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
And his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band

My brothers' lives were different
For they heard another call
One went to Chicago
And the other to St. Paul
And I'm in Colorado
When I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chose
And come to know so well

I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And, papa, I don't think
I said, "I love you" near enough

The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
And his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band
I am the living legacy
To the leader of the band

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