Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gordon Lighfoot - Cotton Jenny

2-14-12 Happy Valentine's Day.   I am going to school this afternoon to help with the 3rd grade Valentine's Day party.  We are making sock octopus dolls.  I cut 60 socks last night.  The weather isn't gong to be great this morning but I need to get my run in so I can volunteer at school this afternoon, taking a vacation day today.    It was supposed to start snowing at about 2am but when i woke up at 5am, there was nothing.  It did start though, around 7am and by the time I got out the door to run at 8:30 am it was really coming down.  I used my Yaktrax today for the first time.  Really fun!  My legs felt a little tired running on these, or is it that I am just plain tired from not sleeping well and from having a cold.  I started coughing fits last night and had a lot of trouble sleeping.  I am sure Bob didn't sleep well either.  I haven't been sick this whole cold/flu season, but wouldn't you know, the week that my Mother is coming, I get sick.  That always seems to happen.  It used to be that they would be getting ready to head to Hawaii in March and she would be concerned (rightfully so) about being sick and traveling.  Now they don't go to Hawaii until later in the spring, but still, colds hit her so hard and always end up in bronchitis.  Maybe this will be gone before Saturday.  Probably.

I ran 3 miles today and the snow was getting heavier the whole time.  It really was fun.  It was kind of like heading out to go skiing when the snow is coming down.  Everything is so pretty and so quiet.  I passed one man that I see all the time running in my neighborhood and he had a big smile on his face and a friendly wave (people don't smile and wave so much when it is 90 degrees and humid and they are running).  I had a stuffed up head when I started.  Who needs Zicam?  Just head outside for a half hour in the snow, no problem.  I couldn't help but think of one time when I was in college and Julie was probably in grade school.  I took her to a dentist appointment, I was still in my pajamas.  I think something happened to her and we called Ron Muske and he said to meet him at the office.  I can't think of any other reason that I would take her in my pajamas  But since I was dressed that way, I stayed in the car.  His office was in Detroit back then.  It was a Saturday and I was parked in front on the street.  Some homeless looking guy was walking by and stopped to blow his nose.  But wait!  No Kleenex, what to do?  Just aim toward the ground.  LOL, it just blew my mind.  I had never seen anyone do that before, certainly not at Kingswood or Cranbrook.  Anyway, just conjured up that picture while I was running today and it gave me a good laugh.

Just as I was getting close to home, I saw a lady out for a walk.  I noticed a leash in her hand but no dog.  I stopped running and walked over to ask her.  She has a Lhaso Apso that ran through her electric fence.  I offered to help and then walked around the golf course behind her house for the next 30 minutes.  We did not find the dog and I had to get home for a 10:00 am conference call.  I feel bad that I couldn't help her more.  This last picture wass taken on the golf course, visibility was getting bad.  I hope the dog comes home.

I listened to Gordon Lightfoot today.  I sort of felt like Johnny Mathis and a little Winter Wonderland but I didn't need to get Christmas music stuck in my head this time of year.  Gordon Lightfoot always reminds me of Andy Taylor.  He loved GL. 

There's a house on a hill
By a worn down weathered old mill
In the valley below where the river winds
There's no such thing as bad times
And a soft southern flame
Oh Cotton Jenny's her name
She wakes me up when the sun goes down
And the wheels of love go 'round
Wheels of love go 'round
Love go 'round, love go 'round
A joyful sound
I ain't got a penny for Cotton Jenny to spend
But then the wheels go 'round

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