Friday, February 10, 2012

Jimmy Soul - If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of your Life

2-10-12 Snow showers, yeah!  It is so pretty outside.  Today was a great day and I am ready for the weekend.  I took Matthew and Carson for our weekly Friday morning trip to Tim Horton's for donuts on the way to school, then ran a few errands on the way home and didn't get home until 9:45 so at that point, I had a bit of catch up to do on work.  I did successfully find socks to make sock octopus for the 3rd grade Valentine's Day party next week.  I also went to Dick's and bought a couple pair of smart wool socks.  I really like to have crew socks when the weather is cold.  Those little no see-ums don't work for me.  I got the last 2 pair of smart wool socks, they are so nice.

I had intended to run earlier to avoid the snow but I got busy with work and that didn't happen.  By the time I went out, it was snowing sideways.  I ran 3 miles and it was really fun except for the fact that the snow was coming straight in my eyes.  I wonder if they make running goggles, I am sure they do.  Of course I am not sure who much use I would get out of them.  The other issue that I had was my neck and shoulders started feeling really stiff after about 2 miles.  I finally figured out what the problem was.  Hoods sort of bug me and when I wear a hood I think I hold my head in a real stiff kind of hunched down position so my hood won't fall off.  As a result, I have a stiff neck now.  I am sure a shower and an Advil will help that problem. 

They are finally putting in a stop light at the entrance to my neighborhood.  Hallelujah!  today I stood there 2.5 minutes waiting for my chance to cross the street and even then I had to run, not too smart on wet, slippery streets.  The lights are up now and they have it on flash with a warning sign that there is a new traffic light.

We are heading out tonight for the annual 3rd Grade Parent's Night out that I coordinated.  I picked a really nice place for us all to meet called the Arlington Cafe.  Good location, great appetizers, etc.  I set all of this up with them a few weeks ago.  Then I find out Monday that the place was shut down.  Apparently some guys came in with shot guns and held the place up.  I guess this is not the first time something bad has happened there and I think the city of Arlington is probably tired of it.  I don't know how all that works but I was shocked.  This is Upper Arlington!

This song came on about 1/2 mile in to my run when I still hadn't decided if I was happy about running int he snowy weather.  Light fluffy snow is fun, this was not light or fluffy.  This song made me laugh and then I looked around to make sure no one else was outside and started singing it.  "I saw your wife the other day.  Yeah?  Yeah, she's ugly.  Man, she's ugly but she sure can cook, baby."  I don't know if this guy had any other hits, but this one sure was good.

If you wanna be happy
For the rest of your life,
Never make a pretty woman your wife,
So from my personal point of view,
Get an ugly girl to marry you.

A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall.
As soon as he marries her, then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart,
But if you make an ugly woman your wife,
You'll be happy for the rest of your life,
An ugly woman cooks her meals on time,
She'll always give you peace of mind.

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