Monday, January 23, 2012

Bob Dylan - Quinn the Eskimo

1-23-12  I have not been very good at my training in the last week.  I have two issues.  The first is that I went out of town twice.  I need to find a way to ensure that I run when I travel.  It is hard and I have to be more disciplined.  The second issue is that once I get out of my routine, I lose momentum and getting back in the game is harder.  I need to fix this too.  In the last week, I have run on the treadmill a couple of times and I have ridden my bike a few times, but never on the days planned or for the disctance planned so I am not even going to write them down here.  I start my 18 weeks of training this week so it is time to get very serious.

Today is Monday and this is my rest day.  I am going to buy a running jacket.  I have been looking and waiting until I get my bonus, which gets deposited tonight, yeah!  Not having a proper jacket has not been that big of a deal since we have had such mild weather this winter, but I still think that winter is still going to come.

But when Quinn the Eskimo get here, everybody going to jump for joy - Come all without, come all within, you'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn
I was driving my boys to school this morning and I wanted to play some Aerosmith for them.  They had seen Steven Tyler sing the national anthem last night for the Ravens/Patriots game and they thought he was just awful and they asked why he tries to look like a girl.  Who knows, but this morning I wanted them to hear a good old Aerosmith song.  I plugged Aerosmith in to Pandora and we listened to one of their songs, then Guns and Roses came on.  The song they were singing was an old Bob Dylan song (go figure, Guns n roses / Bob Dylan, yeah that's a likley match).  They wanted to know who Bob Dylan was, so I plugged in Bob Dylan.  I was really surprised to hear "Quinn the Eskimo".  I never knew that he had written and recorded this.  I really remember this song from Gary Pucket and the Union Gap (up north at the Kettlewells house).  Anyway, something about "when Quinn the Eskimo get here" resonated with me and I decided that Quinn the Eskimo is the runner in me. And maybe the jumping for joy is me too.  I always thought about my family and those that have run marathons and thought, what the heck.  How could anyone do that?  Never thought I'd have the desire, but now I really do!!! I know, wierd, but this is it.  I did google the song and there are all kinds of opinions about who Quinn the Eskimo is, everything from Jesus to an acid dealer to a nursery rhyme.  So I guess I can add one more interpretation to the mix.  (also important, the lyrics are a bit off grammatically, that was not me, it was Bob Dylan-'get' and 'everybody' should be plural; not and nothing should NOT be in the same sentence, but far be it from me to correct Bob Dylan's work)

The serious training has to start this week.

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