Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stephen King - 11/22/63

1/8/12 - Today is my cross train day so I rode my recumbent cycle.  Good thing since I 'suffered' two injuries at the grocery store this morning.  Just yesterday I was thinking about how great I am feeling, no shin splints, no pain to speak of and making a mental note that I need to be careful and not get injured.  Like, don't run down the stairs in high heels and trip and break your foot like I did a couple of years ago.  Who would have thought the grocery store would be a breeding ground for injury?  Ha-ha!   My excuse? I was a bit rushed.  Last night the cat had an accident on our bed.  She has never done this, so I am thinking something is wrong.  But, before I knew that.....I put on my jammies and crawled in to bed, planning to watch the Lions, 2nd half loss :(  Little did I know that the Lions were the worst of my worries.  My bed felt strangely damp.  I started feeling around with my hand and it was damp, of course on my side, not Bob's.   I leaned over to sniff the area, Jesus!  I got out of bed fast.  The good news?  a few years ago, when my boys were little and still crawled in bed with us from time to time, I purchased a really nice mattress pad that is leak proof, so that mattress is good.  So what does all of this have to do with injuries at the grocery store?  Well, our comforter is too big for the washing machine so I had to go to a laundromat today.  I didn't want to hang out there so I decided I would put the comforter in the washer, race to Kroger to do my shopping and be back at the laundromat 25 minutes later.    I always seem to have accidents when I am rushing.  I went to the milk cooler and pulled the door open.  There was a clear plastic rack suction cupped to the outside of the door and it whacked me in the forehead.  I have a bump and a nice bruise there.  Then in the parking lot, I put my groceries in the car and while trying to maneuver the cart away from my car and in to the cart parking lot, I rammed it in to the back of my leg and have a gash right across my Achilles tendon and a swollen bruised heel.  I was pretty sure it was bleeding but had to get back to the laundromat and had dark knee high socks on so I couldn't see any blood and figured I'd check it out later.  What a freaking klutz.  Oh well, tomorrow is my rest day so I should be good to go by Tuesday :)  And my comforter is clean.

I rode 11 miles on my bike.  My kids were playing Madden on their X Box and not much more to say about the whole experience.

11/22/63 - I am reading the latest Stephen King book.  I read while on my cycle in the basement.  I am about 500 pages in to a 700 page story about a man that goes back in time from 2011 to the sixties to try and change history, to prevent Kennedy's assassination.  History doesn't like to be changed, so there are a lot of interesting things that happen.  Great book, I love Stephen King!

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