Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Cars - Here She comes Again

1/7/12  Today I completed the running part of my preliminary week 1 training.  Woohoo!  It was another gorgeous day and I am getting spoiled by this weather.  The forecast says we'll have this for all of next week too.  It is Saturday which makes finding time to run so easy.  I spent about an hour drinking coffee, reading and hanging out on the couch with Matthew and Carson while Bob went to the gym.  We have no plans for this weekend which is perfect after the last couple of weeks through Christmas and New Years.

I ran 5.3 miles today, plan was for 5.  I thought I had mapped my route well but it appeared that I was going to end up a half mile short of my plan as I got close to home, so I looped back through part of the run and then it took me further than I intended.  The good news is I felt great and felt like I could easily have done 6 miles.  Not so scary after all.

Here She Comes Again - Such a fun song - "You're always dancing down the street with your suede blue eyes, and every new boy that you meet, he doesn't know the real surprise".  All the clapping at the beginning of the song just makes you want to bounce a little higher and step a little further when you run.  Listen to it again if you haven't lately.

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