Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jonathon Edwards - Sunshine

1/11/12 - Great day for running.  I have totally screwed up my Garmin by messing around with settings and trying to set up intervals for run/walk.  It is so bad I can't even get it so that I can operate the watch for a run.  I had to toally ditch it today and use my phone and my new Run Keeper, which by the way I really like.  I also noticed today that they start sending you congratulatory emails on your workout and offer you the opportunity to upgrade to RunKeeper Elite for a $4.99 per month or $19.99 annual fee.  I don't think so.

I ran 3.11 miles through the new part of Wedgewood today.  Lots of dogs on that route.  All have electronic collars but it is always a bit unnerving when a dog comes barreling at you  and you are not sure if it is going to stop or not.  No pain today, but I did take some ibuprofen this morning because yesterday was a bit tough.

Sunshine (Go Away Today) - My run Keeper plays lists from my iPod, if you turn that feature on.  This morning it played Sunshine go away today, don't feel much like dancing.  some man's come he's trying to run my life, don't know what he's asking.....  I thought this was an appropriate political song for today given that we had the Iowa Caucus last week and the New Hampshire primary last night.  some of my favorite quotes from last night's speeches:  Romney said "this president wakes up every morning, looks out across America and is proud to announce, it could be worse"
Referring to Romney, Paul said "he certainly had a clear-cut victory, but we're nibbling at his heels," Huntsman said about his third place finish ""Ladies and gentlemen, I think we're in the hunt!  I'd say third place is a ticket to ride", interesting spin.  Anyway, have always loved that Sunshine song.  Embarrassed to say that I sang it for years and never paid attention to the lyrics.  A couple of years ago my husband mentioned it being about Nixon and VietNam, I really didn't have a clue.

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