Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Electric Light Orchestra - Hold On Tight To Your Dreams

1-24-12 Today is the first day of my official 18 week training.  I had a crazy day at work and all my plans to leave a little early were foiled.  I did run though!  The nice thing is that it is staying light a little later every day.  Sunset was at 5:41, not too bad.  I literally ran into a group of deer.  I thought a big dog was leaping towards me and then realized what it was and saw several of them.  wow!  I did cross the raod because I just felt too close to them and they are bigger than me. 

I took a couple of pictures and then continued my run.  One of the deer looked very uncomfortable when I was aiming my camera/phone at her.  Do you suppose the Bambi stories have been passed down through the generations?  How else would this deer know to be uncomfortable when she saw a human aiming at her???

I ran 3 miles today.  Felt good.

Hold on tight to your dream, hold on tight to your dream.  when you see the shadows falling, when you hear that cold wind calling, hold on tight to your dream.

 - Well that is what I am doing, not gonna let it go.  Marathon, here I come!

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