Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Helen Reddy - I am Woman

1/10/12 - A new week.  I want to be able to set alarms for my intervals of walk/run.  I know you can do this on the garmin and I tried to set that up last night, but then it occurred to me, that no matter whether I succeeded or not, I'll never hear the beeps because I always run with earphones and music.  I emailed Kai and Hannah last night.  Option 1, buy the GymBoss, $19.95 at amazon.  I was about to do that and then I got a response from Hannah.  RunKeeper is an iPhone app that is free and can track your runs, intervals, etc.  In fact, it is amazing that we spend all this money on Garmins when you can get GPS tracking apps for free.

Ran 3.08 miles today.  It was 52 degrees and sunny.  My left foot felt numb and my left calf felt very tired.  This is a repeating thing that has happened since I broke my foot a couple of years ago.  Hmmm...what to do?

Oh yes I am wise, But it's wisdom born of pain, Yes, I've paid the price, But look how much I gained, If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman
This is one of those songs that I am sure I have sung at weddings with my sisters (the other is We Are Family-Sisters Sledge).  It is old and goofy, but I can still belt it out and feel really great while doing that.  gotta love anything that makes you feel good.

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