Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Queen - Fat Bottom Girls

1/4/12 - I will call today my official start of my training for the Bayshore Marathon on Memorial Day weekend 2012.  This is my first marathon, sure hope I make it.  I am going to write this as if someone is reading it, whether I decide to share or not. This way, I am accountable to someone, even if that someone is non-existent.  I am lucky to have the greatest supporter in the world, my sister Kai.  I would not be doing this if she hadn't given me the gentle nudge, and more importantly, had the confidence that I could do it!

I have always felt like I didn't accomplish anything big in life.   Yes, I have a great job and yes, I am raising two wonderful children, but......  I know my family and friends would dispute this.  It is important to me that I do this and prove to myself that I can accomplish something that requires determination, perserverance, guts, desire, pain and a quest for self pride.  I very well may be a "one and done" marathoner, and that would be just fine with me!!!  :)

Ran 3.15 miles today in 33 degree, windy, but sunny weather.  I need a proper running jacket.  Right now I am using a fairly heavy fleece jacket and I just start sweating within 1/2 mile.  All in all it was a good run, I am ready to get moving with this training.

Fat bottom Girls is a favorite song of mine.  I do not have a fat bottom, but just the visual of these fat bottom girls getting on their bikes and riding, gave me the push to get out the door today.

They actually have a statue of Freddie Mercury in Montruex, Switzerland erected by his father and  Montserrat Caballé, an operatic performer who did a duet with Freddie "Barcelona" in 1988.

Wouldn't my little boys love to have these Lego guys?  Queen.  I am betting Freddie et al. didn't have Legos, but then why not, I guess they were kids once.

LEGO Rock Band and Queen | Gamers Route764 x 540 · 82 kB · jpeggamersroute.comMore sizes

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