Saturday, March 31, 2012


3-31-12  My sister and best friend, Kai, came down from Michigan to run my 15 miler with me.  She got here last night, just in time for the tornado warning!  I sent everyone to the basement and then continued to fix dinner.  Poor Carson was so scared.  He always gets scared during storms.

We had a great time.  It was so much different having a friend to run with.  It was faster and easier.  I had such an easy time running the whole way.  I did get tired as we reached 10-11-12 miles, but not so much that I needed to stop or walk more or anything.  In fact Kai said I kept a pretty constant pace the whole run.  WooHoo.

We left about 8:15 this morning.  About 3 miles in to our run we reached the Antrim Lake area and they had it set up like race day.  Music blaring, Gu, Gatorade and water.  Probably sooner than we needed any of that, but why pass it by?  We had so much fun, just kept running and before you knew it, the whole thing was over!!

Well, what do you know!!??  It is lunch time.  We went to the Rusty Bucket , both of us in search of a great burger, after all we have earned them.  Kai got the Patty Melt and I went all out and got the "Elvis Velveeta Burger".  I have never been so hungry.  I needed the food fast.  I wanted to change out of my wet sweaty clothes, but told Kai, i needed to order first.  I didn't want anything to slow down my process towards getting food!!!

I didn't listen to any music today because I was with my sister.  I told Kai tonight that I didn't know how I would name my "post" for today.  Then it came to me and I said "Sisters"!  That was a no brainer!


Sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperone, No sir,
I'm there to keep my eye on her
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
She wore the dress, and I stayed home
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain or sun
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one
Those who've seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can
Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man
Sister and me and John
I know deep inside your heart that you will feel the best intention
Sister you will know
You understand that in the far I'll always be you, the men will come and go
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain or sun
Three different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one
Those who've seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can
Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man

So, all of this is pretty goofy.  I don't think Kai and I ever had to fight over a man, ha-ha.  But I can say that nothing has ever come between us.  I have so many friends that have sibling issues, and that is so sad, but we don't.  Not between Kai and me, nor between any of my siblings.  We have the best family ever!  Thank you Mom and Dad, you must have had something to do with that!!!


  1. that sounds like a good run and an exciting visit! glad you guys had such a good time, also, I love that song!

  2. You love the Sisters song? I love that movie.
