Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Joe Cocker - She Came in through the Bathroom Window

3-20-12  It is the first day of spring, yeah!  We have broken an all time record for a high temperature in Columbus Ohio today and they expect we will do the same the next couple of days.  February 14, 34 days ago, I was running in a couple inches of snow.  Today, I ran in a skort and a t-shirt.  This is so out of the norm!!! 

Just a sampling of the attorney letters that
 I received 2 business days after the accident
I still feel a little sore.  I do think I am getting better and I hope I don't have any lingering issues from the auto accident.  It is pretty funny though.  I started getting phone calls on Monday from chiropractors.  I mentioned when the police took the report from me that my back hurt a lot.  Oh My! I guess them is fighting words for chiropractors, or at least the kind that my husband has no respect for.  Then Monday, I got 5 letters in the US mail from attorneys, wanting to take on my case to sue someone!  Its an ambulance chaser frenzy!!!  Today I found out that my damage exceeded the property damage limit on Ricky's policy.  My insurance company is going to repair my car, pay for my rental and then through subrogation,  they will work to recoup expenses for the claim from Safe Auto (Ricky's company).  At least I have good insurance.
I bought some new running skirts a few weeks ago. At the time I thought it was a little silly to be buying them because it felt like it would be a month or more before I'd wear something that short outdoors.  Silly me!  What the heck did I know?  It is the first day of spring and it was 82 degrees today.  I actually don't like that for running.  Much too warm.  I prefer about 50- 60 degrees , sunshine and no wind.  Can I order that up?

I ran 3.75 miles today.  I wouldn't say it was bad, but I wouldn't say it was good.  I think my lack of running the last couple of weeks has hurt me.  I ran in my neighborhood in a very hilly area which doesn't help.  so, I had hills, I had 80 degree weather and I still had a sore back.  Maybe 3.75 miles was a good accomplishment for me today given the other contributing factors.  I plan to run 5 miles tomorrow.  I think I'll run along the river where it is flat and pretty shady.  I expect that 5 miles will be pretty easy doing it that way.
These are pictures of my peony 
March 17
March 20
plants that grow so rapidly, it always amazes me.  I have never captured the progression on film so I think I will this spring.

Early in my blogging, I mentioned a Joe Cocker song.  I included a picture of him that is really what I remember of Joe Cocker from my high school and college days, not very attractive.  About a year ago, I read an article about him.  He lives in Colorado in a small town in the mountains, Crawford, in the Gunnison area.  He hangs with the locals.  It sounded like they weren't too keen on him in the beginning, worried that his presence would bring chaos to their town.  Now he plays snooker with the guys in town and he has been very well accepted. I love that.  Here he is gardening, hardly the hard core drug and alcohol guy that he once was.
She came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders
By the banks of her own lagoon

Didn't anybody tell her?
Didn't anybody see?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday,
Tuesday's on the phone to me

She said she'd always been a dancer
She worked at 15 clubs a day
And though she thought I knew the answer
Well I knew but I could not say.

And so I quit the police department
And got myself a steady job
And though she tried her best to help me
She could steal but she could not rob.

Didn't anybody tell her?
Didn't anybody see?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday,
Tuesday's on the phone to me
Oh yeah.

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