Sunday, April 1, 2012

Graeters - Butter Pecan on a Pretzel Cone

 4-1-12  Cross training is not something that I have been very diligent about and I need to start doing that.  Use my muscles in different ways.  There must be a reason that the experts build that in to the training plan.  It ended up being in the upper 70's so I suggested that we all go on a bike ride to the ice cream shop.  Great idea!
We have lots of new bike paths in this area and we can get all the way to Graeters without riding on any streets, except our own neighborhood.   Matthew and Carson got scared though when we crossed Sawmill Road.  maybe I have instilled too much fear of traffic in them over the years.  At some point I have to let go a bit, but not yet.  Graters came out with a new flavor last week, Cake Batter Brownie.  The ice cream tastes like yellow cake batter and then there are chunks of brownie in it.  Matthew and Carson both got the new flavor.  I had Butter Pecan and bob had Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip.  After ice cream we rode up Sawmill road to Golf Village.  I wanted to stop and see if Mary and Pauline (Buzz's Mom and Aunt) were home but I wasn't 100% sure which home was theirs.  as it turns out, the one I thought was theirs was right.  Oh well, maybe next time!

We rode about 6-7 miles total.  As we got close to home, the boys all left me in the dust with their mad dash to get home.  But I had the garage door opener....  Guess I got the last laugh on April Fool's Day!

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