Sunday, March 18, 2012

Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova - Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Guy

It may be time to go home!
3-17-12  Happy St. Patrick's day! I was supposed to run a half marathon today.  I did not do that.  Yesterday afternoon, I quit working early and was setting out to run a few errands.   I needed to get thyroid medication for Iris and the boys needed new shoes.  The medical facility that compounds the thyroid meds closes at 5PM.  It was 3:40 and knowing how long my boys can take to make a decision, I thought we should get Iris' meds before that facility closed at 5pm. Kohl's and Target are open until late into the evening.  We were on 270 heading east toward the 23 / 270 interchange.  The cars in front of me came to a complete stop and so did I.  As I sat there, I glanced in my rear view mirror and  saw that a car was coming at me and was not going to stop.   I screamed at the boys to "hold on".  The impact was huge and scared the hell out of them.  They both started crying and then so did I.  The car behind us, hit us like they were going full speed.  It pushed me in to the car in front of me.  As a result, I have major damage to the front and the rear end of my car.  My hands were shaking so much that even when the officer came and asked me to write a description of what happened, (30 minutes later) I had a hard tine writing.   All in all, we were there on the highway, in the center lane, for about 90 minutes, then they moved us to the berm.  The car that hit me could not drive and we had to all wait until a tow truck came and hauled his car away and the police office could move out of the middle of the highway too.  Poor Carson had to pee.  He had an idea that he could find some empty bottle and pee in it.  I wouldn't let him.  Then he wanted to get out of the car and pee on the side of the road, durIng rush hour on a major, very busy highway.  I told him no to that idea too!   We ended up sitting in the car for almost 2 hours.

taken 3/17, see how fast peonies grow,
will show again in a couple of days!

What to do???  I wasn't at all sure what I would do about running.  I hurt my back, and it feels pretty bad.I have decided that I cannot run a half marathon today.  I need to do a short run today and then take it easy and build back up.  I did run  3 miles this afternoon.  It felt good, felt like the right amount and I am glad that I did just that.  Nothing more.  I will run the half marathon this coming weekend.  I ran into this long skinny snake on my run, not sure what kind it was.  I have never seen a snake around my neighborhood before.    He did not look like a garter snake which is the only kind that I am familiar with.     
As I was getting close to home a storm was rolling in.  Perfect time to get home and inside. 

Leaving work, before the rain, hail and scariness started
I am finishing writing this on Sunday.  Today I had to work all day in the command Center for Mortgage Banking to support the validation of release code that was deployed overnight.  At about 5pm, as we were wrapping up for the day, I got a message that the tornado sirens were going off.  We could not hear them in the building and could not see outside.  We decided to all get out of there and go to our respective homes. The building we were in was a one story, no basement, feels like a trailer type of building.  I got on the freeway and the skies opened up.  I had on the local radio station and they were saying to NOT go in the direction that I was heading!  They said it was very dangerous and serious and to get off the highway, specifically the highway and area that i was in.  Right then the skies changed.  It started to hail, there was lightning everywhere and I felt like I was enveloped in thick, dark gray.  I couldn't see anything and for the first time EVER, I was scared of a storm. (I LOVE STORMS) I pulled over and called Bob.  He told me they were in the basement and that I should get off the highway and go in a store or something, anything that looked sturdy.  I drove slowly to the next exit, Cleveland Avenue.  There is a large Chase facility on that road, about a half mile from the exit.  I drove straight there and ran in to the building.  I showed the guards my ID badge and asked if I could stay with them.  I sat in the guard station until the storm had passed.  They had a live feed from some national weather station, so I had the best information about the storm you could have.  I eventually made it home safely.  This has not been my weekend for driving on 270, or for cars in general.

Four years ago, at Christmas, Kai brought the movie "Once" over to Mom's for us to watch.  I loved the movie and Kai ended up buying it for me for my birthday.  The following song is such a funny scene in the movie, probably doesn't do itself justice by just sharing the lyrics here.   But I wanted to anyway.  And what a great song/movie to talk about on St. Patrick's day, an Irish rock star!

Ten years ago, I fell in love
with an average girl, she took my heart
but she went and screwed some guy that she knew
and now I'm in Dublin with a broken heart
Oh broken hearted hoover fixer sucker guy
Oh broken hearted hoover fixer sucker, sucker guy
One day I'll go there and win her once again
but until then, I'm just a sucker of a guy.

After I got hooked on this movie and music, it also played kind of an important role in my cancer endeavor.  Last week marked my four year anniversary of my surgery for breast cancer.   There is a song where Glen Hansard really screams and belts out the tune.  The day before my surgery.  I went to Macy's to get some comfortable lounge wear, as advised by my surgeon.  Didn't want any binding clothes post surgery.  I had done such a good job of holding myself together in the number of days between suspecting that I had cancer, getting a diagnosis and heading to the hospital.  So, leaving Macy's with purchases in hand.  Can't find car.  Get mad.  Get upset.  Sit down on curb and lose it, start crying.  Get up.  Go back in store.  Wrong entrance/exit.  Needed West exit, not South exit.  Find car.  Cry some more.  Start car.  Turn on stereo.  Glen Hansard, screaming song.  Comfort. 

I found that playing his song at full volume and screaming along with him felt so much better than crying.  I'll never forget that song.  I listened to his album on my whole run Saturday and here it is...
if you ever want something
and your call comes
then I'll come running
to fight
and I'll be at your door
when there's nothing
worth running for

when your mind's made up
when your mind's made up
there's no point trying to change it
when your mind's made up
when your mind's made up
there's no point trying to stop it

you see
you're just like everyone
when the shit falls
all you want to do is run
and hide all by yourself
when it's far from
there's nothing else

1 comment:

  1. wow Pammie, this post was very moving. I'm sorry I didn't read it earlier! You are such a great writer and I enjoy reading about the things going on in your life as you train for your marathon! I hope you keep writing once you've completed your goal! Love you
