Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams

 3-3-12  People crack me up!  Today I noticed the people on my path.  As someone is approaching you on a trail when you are running, there are many different things about them to notice.  Some will look at you and nod their head.  That's nice.  Some will do a finger point wave, others will raise their arm up and down once from the elbow, no wrist action.  Some will do a real wave.  But the ones that crack me up the most are the ones that will be running straight at you and they never take their eyes off the pavement, never look up, never make eye contact.  That is just so odd to me!  I get it if they are with someone else and deep in conversation but other wise, what's up with that?  But I always smile at people, make eye contact and I am truly interested in everyone.  Like what do they look like, what are they wearing, do they run weird? do they have a gimpy gait?

This week was a new phase of sorts in my training.  Up to now, I have increased my distance each weekend on the long run.  I ran 10 miles last week and this week is where I take a step backwards.  So that makes me feel like I am doing a really short run, but 7 miles really isn't short.  My mind is getting all mixed up. What is short, what is long.   Ha-ha!  I came upon one lady that was slower than me. As we crossed a bridge connecting the lower Olentangy trail to the Upper Olentangy trail, she stopped for water.  There was a water station, Gatorade and water, lots of cups.  The name on the Water Jug was MIT (marathon in training).  Long story short, there is a group that meets every Saturday for a training run and they have water and Gatorade at a couple of points along a 13 mile route.  Hmmm...I'll have to find out about them, maybe I can run with them.
I ran from Antrim Park down to the Park of Roses.  One stop short of the Park of Roses is Whetstone Park and of course, Whetstone High School.  Here is a picture of one side of the high school (red) that I took and then a picture of another view that I found (blue).  This is a pretty peculiar building, fancy bricks.   Hard to see in the picture, but they are bricks with a high, glossy glaze finish. Kind of different.

Your Wildest Dreams
Once upon a time
Once when you were mine
I remember skies
Reflected in your eyes
I wonder where you are
I wonder if you
Think about me
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams

Once the world was new
Our bodies felt the morning dew
That greets the brand new day
We couldn't tear ourselves away
I wonder if you care
I wonder if you still remember
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams

This song is so fun.  It is kind of a bouncy, forget about who might hear you,  belt it out kind of a song!  Love it!
This was the end of my run.  I found  out today that there are many training groups that run this trail every Saturday and that is pretty cool.  This is also a great fishing lake so I'll take the boys there soon.  I do remember coming here years ago and seeing lots of sun bathers ont his very large deck that overlooks the lake.

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