Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Carole King - Beautiful

4-11-12  My car is fixed!  The dealership that was fixing it is 15 miles from my house.  I had hired a sitter today for three hours so I could go for a run.  I didn't know this would be the day that the car was ready too.  I ended up using a good chunk of my running time going to get the car, but needed to be done.  There is a trail in Hilliard that I have been curious about and since the dealership is near Hilliard, I thought that would work out nicely.  I left to get the car, all ready for my run.  When I got to the trail head, there were no cars there.  I didn't have a good feeling about that.  Running on a new trail that I am not familiar with and no other people, I don't think so, so I left.  then I decided that I would go to a short trail along the Scioto River, near a house that I rented many years ago.

I lived in this house, in the early 1990's.  I know for sure I was there in January of 1994.  Mom and Geiya came for the Martin Luther King weekend.  We got 9 inches of snow and as we were getting up on the morning of Jan. 17, we heard on the news, reports of the earthquake that hit LA, 4:31 am PST.   I know that Mom called Jeff and I think she talked to him very briefly and he said he had to get out of the building.  If I remember correctly, Jeff put on his Rollerblades at some point that morning to cruise around and check out damage.  I think there were several aftershocks that day.  Meanwhile we were snowed in, in Columbus Ohio.  BTW, this house looked much better when I lived there.  They desperately need some shrubs in the front!  How ugly could you get? I took this picture yesterday after my run. I am not sure anyone even lives here right now.   It did have a pretty backyard.  Lots of peonies surrounding the patio.  I remember when I first moved there.  It must have been winter and as it turned to spring, I noticed these funny dark reddish, pointed things shooting up out of the ground.  I assumed they were weeds and started pulling them.  More kept coming over the next week or so and I gave up on trying to get rid of them.  Turned out the entire patio was surrounded by beautiful peonies.  Ha-ha and I was trying to get rid of them. I didn't have much of a green thumg back then, much better now. This is also when I bought my first lawnmower.  I had the hardware store load it into my Ford Probe trunk.  The neighbor helped me get it out and then I assembled it.  I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to start a lawnmower, but eventually got the hang of it!
My run was beautiful, even though quite shortened from what I had planned.   I used to run on this trail when I lived in the house above.  A few times I even ran in to these two ladies that live on a a horse farm along the river, on horseback on early morning runs.  We are actually lucky to have some very beautiful areas here in central Ohio. (when you get away from the farmland).    The weather was a bit cold and a bit windy (15 MPH).  I was supposed to run Tuesday, but the winds were 26MPH and that is more than I am willing to tolerate, especially when it is cold and there is no sun, so I have shifted my schedule from T-W-Th to W-Th-F.  Bob has agreed to come home from work about 3:00 pm on Thursday so I can run in the afternoon.  My lower back hurt a lot today.  This is not really normal for me but I think it is because I wore heels on Sunday to church.  I know I said I wouldn't do that but it was Easter Sunday and my black Merrells just don't cut it with a nice spring pant suit. I thought since it was only an hour, I'd be okay.  This just throws my whole body out of alignment.  I had  a touch of the shin pain too, but not bad enough to stop me.  At least I made it the three miles that I would have done on Tuesday if it had not been so windy.  Now I will have to do five or six miles Thursday afternoon.
This trail starts at the Griggs Dam.  There is a large boat launching area, a boathouse where OSU stores their racing boats (shells) that their crew club uses.  A lot of people just come here to fish along the shore.  Apparently, they don't want no stinky trash in their cans here.  either you throw the fish parts in the water, or take them with you.

After my run, Matthew, Carson and I went to the Franklin Park Cpnservatory to see the Blooms & Butterfiles exhibit.  It was a lot of fun, beautiful gardens and exotic butterflies.  The conservatory was built in 1895 and is on the national registry of historic places.  In 1992, the Franklin Park Conservatory hosted Ameriflora,  an international horticultural exhibition that filled the park's 88 acres, celebrating quincentennial of Christopher Columbus arriving on the shores of the new world in 1492.  Mom came to visit and we went to see the exhibition.  I think Geiya might have been with us for the too, but I am not sure.  Mom will probably remember that better. I sometimes feel bad that we never take our kids on exciting vacations so when they have a break from school, I like to
make sure we don some fun things that we don't normally do.  I want them to have a fun answer to that age old question "so what did you do on your spring break?"           
Carole King.  I have always loved her.  I saw her on the CBS news today, talking about a book she has written (A natural Woman)and that is what made me think of her and had me looking for her music to load to my iPhone.
Her Tapestry album which came out while I was in high school was one of my all time favorites.  In our high school yearbook, each senior had a full page for a picture and a quote.  I had two quotes, one was a combination of lyrics from a Robert Lamm song (Goodbye) and a James Seals song (Dance by the Light of the Moon).  The other quote was from Carole King's song, Beautiful.  The first two lines, in italics, were printed on my year book page. This is also my favorite quote on Facebook.
You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes, you will
That you're beautiful as you feel

Waiting at the station with a workday wind a-blowing
I've got nothing to do but watch the passers-by
Mirrored in their faces I see frustration growing
And they don't see it showing, why do I?

You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
James Taylor and Carole King
You're gonna find, yes, you will
That you're beautiful as you feel

I have often asked myself the reason for THE sadness
In a world where tears are just a lullaby
If there's any answer, maybe love can end the madness
Maybe not, oh, but we can only try

You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You're gonna find, yes, you will
That you're beautiful as you feel

This was my other yearbook quote, just for the record....
Remember the good times we shared together, and now they're just a song.
Remember the old friends we knew together, and how they've all gone on.
There must be room for growing somewhere else and I'm going....
(sort of sad, isn't it?  Not sure how I came up with the combination of lyrics from two different songs and writers. Just reading this again today makes me miss all my Kingswood friends) 

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