Friday, April 13, 2012

Gordon Lightfoot - Summer Side of Life

4-12-12  Today was a busy day and and I feel like a camp counselor must feel at the end of the day. We started at 8:00 am going to IHOP for breakfast.  There is a new IHOP just down the street from us and this was my IDEA.  I told the boys last night that I was going to take them there.  I REALLY made a big deal of it.  We left home and went down the street and guess what?  Not open yet.  They have all the lights on and a 'now hiring sign' in the front window.  Since I made such a big deal of this and had the boys sold on going there, I had to find another one.  The closest IHOP is 15 miles away, but we went there anyway. 

Next stop, the Chiller for some ice skating.  It feels like winter this week, so why not?  All the public schools are in session, they had break a couple of weeks ago so it was literally empty.  There were 4 other people on the ice.  It was great for the boys.  I did not skate.  I figured that I have not had such great luck lately and the Benjamin/Robinson girls are "dropping like flies" to quote Julie after Hannah broke her toe.  I didn't need to fall on the ice and break something.
After skating we went home to get dry clothes on and then headed to the Columbus Zoo to meet our friends, the Elisco's.  The Zoo is always fun with Consolata Elisco because she makes all of the boys work.  For example, in the Aviary, she makes them find each of the birds that are listed as living in the Aviary.  In other areas she tests them on which species are endangered and why.  If they get out of line, she seems to have a knack with them (may be fear tactics) but it works and they do all love her so it must be good.  We stayed at the Zoo until 4:00 pm and then Bob was home from work so I was able to go for a 5 mile run.  After that, he left for a poker party and we played outside and I grilled sliders.  It was a fun evening, especially since the weather is warming up.  They spent a little time across the street at Nate's.  They claim the the bugs are better over there.  Hmmmmm.

I ran through my neighborhood and Big Bear Farms.  My right foot still hurts and this is from the trash can incident still.  I just think I pulled the muscle a bit and I don't know how long that takes to recover from.  It hurts.  It doesn't hurt enough to stop me from running.  I don't know if a week off from running would have allowed me to recover more quickly???  I'm new at this so I haven't a clue.  So funny, that when I was just starting my training, Bob and I met the Berasi's at the club for dinner.  I have a neighbor that runs all the time, very seriously.  We ran in to Liz that night.  I told her that I was training for a marathon.  She seemed impressed and said that I would need a marathon coach/trainer and that she would send me the information about a good trainer.  Okay.  Well, she never sent me the info and I didn't contact her.  First, all I want to do is finish the darn thing.  I don't need someone telling me to work harder or go faster.  Second, I have a great book that my Mom bought me and I have a great sister that, well, Mom gave me too!  I think I have all I need with those two gifts from Mom.  Third and last, I cannot spend money on a trainer for the marathon. 
The good thing about running is that it is relatively cheap.  You need a pair of shoes.  Plain and simple.  From there it is up to you what else you want to buy.  Now, anyone that knows me very well at all, will know that I have purchased just a few other things.  I bought my hydration belt, that was a must, unless I wanted to just hold a bottle of water in my hand.  I bought two running skorts, not necessary, but they look good!  I hate shorts that hike up between your legs
while you are running.  There are the shorts
 that are like biking shorts, tight to your skin,
 but unless you weigh 100 pounds or you wear a really long shirt, they look bad.  So, the running skorts, are like the skin tight shorts, but they have a skirt over them.   Then, during the cold weather, I needed mittens.  Mittens are better for me than gloves.  My fingers get too cold with gloves, even when I ski I wear mittens.  But in the world of smart phones with touch screens, you really need mittens that open up and flip back easily so you can check RunKeeper or so you can change your music or so you can take a picture!  Had to have those.  I have a pair from New Balance that have the flip open feature with a magnet that allows you to have all kinds of fun with your phone while you are running.  I think the most fun I have shopping for running is the food.  I love things that allow you to eat food.  Being pregnant was one of those occasions.  You are permitted (expected) to eat something extra on a regular basis.  Running is like that.  I have bought Stingers, Sport Beans, Cliff bars, Energy Blasts, Shot Blocks, Quench Gum, and of course,
amazing as it is, regular candy bars work too!  Pay Days are good.  I now throw a couple of Mary Janes and Squirrel Nut Zippers in my pocket too when I run.

The Summer Side of Life is a sad song if you listen to the lyrics.  The music, however, makes me like running a bit more.  It is one of those songs where the melody makes me want to run faster and take longer strides along the road.

He came down through fields of green
Edmund Fitzgerald
On the summer side of life
His love was ripe
There were no illusions
On the summer side of life
Only tenderness
And if you saw him now
You'd wonder why he would cry
The whole day long
There were young girls everywhere
On the summer side of life
They talked all night
To the young men that they knew
On the summer side of life
Goin' off to fight
And if you saw them now
You'd wonder why they would cry
The whole day long
He came down through fields of green
On the summer side of life
He prayed all night
Then he walked into a house
Where love had been misplaced
His chance to waste
And if you saw him now
You'd wonder why he would cry
The whole day long

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