Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tracy Chapman - Behind the Wall

Look who I ran into at the end of my run?
4-7-12 Today was supposed to be a 16 mile run for me.  I didn't make it.  Bob is golfing and I hired a sitter so that I could run.  With tomorrow being Easter, I really couldn't change my schedule.  I hired a sitter for 4 hours.  I figured that it would take me 20 minutes to get to the trail, 3 hours to run, 20 minutes to get back home, no problem.  Well I just cut it too close.  First, I wasn't very organized and didn't leave the house right when the sitter got here.  There was some music that I had planned to download and listen to today, Tracy Chapman.  I have the CD and needed to copy it to my iTunes library and then sync with my phone.  It was almost 9:30 when I left the house.  then I got to the trail head and my Garmin wasn't picking up the satellites so I screwed around with that for 15 minutes.  It was almost 10:00 before I got started.  As I started running, I was doing the math and realized there was no way I could run 16 miles and get home by 1:00 pm and I knew that the sitter had another commitment so I really needed to be prompt.  Now, here is where the mental games start.......I had to give myself permission to miss my goal for today without beating myself up.  Fine, I can do that.  However, once you give yourself permission to miss the goal, it gets really hard to be firm on how far to go.  I was tired and my lower back was hurting.  My foot still hurts from the trash can incident last week.  Two miles in to my run I thought, well maybe I'll just turn around at the lake.  Well that would only be about 6 or 7 miles in total.  I answered myself very quickly with a resounding no way!  I have to maximize the time I have available and get as much distance as I can today.  I ended up running 13 miles.  When I finished I still had enough time to get a quick coffee.  I moved my car across the parking lot to the Hills Market.  that is when I realized that I had forgotten my purse at home.  Crap!  If I had my own car, not a rental, I am sure I could have scrounged up a dollar for coffee, you know, coins on the floor or in the console.  But I still have the rental car and have not actually "moved in" so the Pam aura has not taken over and there was no money to be found.  But it was in fact my lucky day!  The Hills Market was having their annual Easter Egg hunt and they had free samples of coffee and food.  They also had an outdoor pancake breakfast, but that was not free.  So I drank free coffee and had samples of hummus and chips.   I guess beggars can't be choosers!
I love the contrast of these white trees
 against this intensely blue sky!
It was 30 degrees when I was getting dressed this morning.  I wore long pants and long sleeved shirt with a pretty warm jacket and gloves.  By the time I got to the trail it was 39 degrees.  By the time I finished it was almost 60 degrees.  I wish I had dressed differently.  This is a tough time of year.  when you run for 30 minutes (like I used to)the weather doesn't fluctuate that much.  When you run for 3 hours, thats a very different story.  Layers, all about layers!

I bought a hydration belt a couple of weekends ago.  I bought one that look sort if minimalist, not a bit honking bulky thing.  Well guess what, you can't fit any snacks in the minimalist belt that I selected.  I wish I had talked to Kai or even researched belts a bit.  The company that makes the belts, Nathan Labs, also sells add on accessories, so you can purchase a pouch that you can add to the belt. Unfortunately the company only sells to retailers so you can't order from them.  Their website said that Dicks and Sports Authority both carry their products.  Yesterday, Matthew, Carson and I went to both stores.    They do sell the belts, but not the accessories.  Amazon sells the accessories so I may have to order from them, but that didn't help me for today.  I had to have something to carry snacks in.  I started looking around the house and didn't really find anything.  then it hit me!  My old camera case.  It is a soft sided camera case and it has loops on the back to feed a belt through.  It worked perfectly.  Looks a bit goofy, like I'm some sort of bird watcher with my camera pack on my belt!  Geeky. 

I bought some new snacks for today, they are called "Stingers" Kai had some last week, but we never ate them.  I picked some up at Kroger.
They are endorsed by Lance Armstrong and meant to replicate the "stroopwafel" that he likes to eat in Europe while riding.    This was really good!  The real stroopwafels originated from the Netherlands and are two crisp waffles with a caramel like syrup in the middle, once made by bakers just to use up leftover ingredients, now a popular street food.
Carson has decided that he wants to be a runner.  On Tuesday, he ran to the stop sign and back twice.  It is probably close to a 1/4 mile to the stop sign, so he may have run  a mile in total.  Thursday he said, wow I am really sore, now I know how Aunt Kai feels!  Ha-ha.  When Kai was here, Carson asked me why she walks so slow, I said it is because she is sore.  Kai heard this and said what?  I said, he asked why you walk so slow, she said cause I am sore.  Well there you have it!
While I was running today, the boy's decided to spiff up their clubhouse a bit. Signs, a draped ceiling and pee bottles. That's right, pee bottles. They took empty bottles up there in case they need to pee, I told them NO! We have a bathroom.
Behind the Wall is a very sad song about domestic violence and the fact that people don't want to interfere and then someone ends up dead.  

The weather was beautiful today. 
Here is where I sat to write my blog today.  I love spring and summer.  Can't wait to get out of the house more often.

Actually this whole album is about depressing topics, but I like her voice and I like the songs. Behind the wall is only vocals, no instruments at all.  Most of the songs are about poverty, racism. lives always wanted and never had, etc.  Her mother bought her a ukulele when she was three and although they lived in poverty, she was accepted into a program in Cleveland called "A Better chance" which helps poor families send their children to private schools.

Last night I heard the screaming
Loud voices behind the wall
Another sleepless night for me
It won't do no good to call
The police always come late
If they come at all

And when they arrive
They say they can't interfere
With domestic affairs
Between a man and his wife
And as they walk out the door
The tears well up in her eyes

Last night I heard the screaming
Then a silence that chilled my soul
I prayed that I was dreaming
When I saw the ambulance in the road
And the policeman said
"I'm here to keep the peace
Will the crowd disperse
I think we all could use some sleep"

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