Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cream - White Room

Not sure where I ever got this t-shirt,
 but it is the right shirt for today
4-3-12  Progress!  Today was the first time that my run following the long run felt GOOD!  I have documented a bit of a pattern before now where the short run on Tuesday was pretty hard, at least for the first mile or so.  Today felt great.  I don't know what contributed tot hat.  Was it the fact that I did my long run on Saturday instead of Sunday (like I have the last few weeks), giving me an extra day of recovery?  Was it because I cross trained on Sunday with the bike ride, does that help the muscles with recovery?  Or is it just that I am getting stronger, building more muscle?  Maybe it is all of the above.
Hyderabad, India
Tuesday is my turn for soccer in the evening so I had to run early.  The weather was great, but I really don't enjoy my morning runs all that much when I know that I have a limited time to get home, shower and get to the office.  today I ran about 10:00, waiting for it to warm up a bit.  I had a few conference calls early, which I did from home.  After my run, I was rushed to get ready and get to the office.  I had lunch plans with a friend of mine from India, Vamsi.  I met Vamsi during my year in Global Finance.  Now Vamsi works in the Retail Bank and is somewhat connected to the same initiative that I am.  The lunch was partly social because I haven't seen him in the year since he moved back to India and partly business so that we could catch up on the project work underway.  Data and Information Management, which is a huge subject. Retail owns the data warehouse, Mortgage is the largest user of the data.  It's a mess and we are involved in the efforts to remediate all the problems and establish the governance and controls to manage going forward so we don't get where we are again.

Whenever I hear Cream, I think of the Kettlewells, Alan and Becky.  I am pretty sure we played this music in their basement and burned incense at the same time.  Cream and also Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, always remind me of the Kettlewells.  funny that I don't have any memories of playing music at out Vanderbilt cabin, just at the Kettlewells house.  maybe because it was their "home" year round they had a record player and not sure what we had at the cottage in Vanderbilt.  Although, now that I think about it, I know we had some form of a record player because Mom and Aunt Fran used to play Barbra Streisand, Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad, Wolf!  Oh such fun times and great memories.

In the white room with black curtains near the station.
Blackroof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings.
Silver horses ran down moonbeams in your dark eyes.
Dawnlight smiles on you leaving, my contentment.

I'll wait in this place where the sun never shines;
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves.

You said no strings could secure you at the station.
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows.
I walked into such a sad time at the station.
As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning.

Dismembered Super heroes that
I found near the driveway when
I got back from my run

I'll wait in the queue when the trains come back;
Lie with you where the shadows run from themselves.

At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd.
Consolation for the old wound now forgotten.
Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes.
She's just dressing, goodbye windows, tired starlings.

I'll sleep in this place with the lonely crowd;
Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves.

I don't know what this is about.  Some say it is about Viet Nam and being at the station, getting ready to leave for Nam.  Others say is it is about cocaine.  For me it is about being with Jeff, Mike, Kai, Alan and Becky, burning incense, no drugs, no war.  They might remember it differently, but this is my blog!

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