Saturday, May 5, 2012

Van Morrison - Bright Side of the Raod

5-5-12  Ran 10 miles today, getting better and stronger.  Many years ago, I ran a good run on Thanksgiving Day.  I listened to a Van Morrison song called the Bright side of the Road.  At that point in my life, some things weren't going too well for me and this song really picked me up.  I have listened to it a LOT over the years, always makes me feel good.  Today, I really feel like I am back on the Bright Side of the Road!  Yeah!

I ran today on the Olentangy Trail.  It was cloudy and a bit foggy on the lake this morning.  the weather was perfect for running, 65 and cloudy, no sun.  funny how your perspective of good weather and bad weather changes when you want to run a long distance vs. maybe wanting to go to the pool!  I have decided that I no longer need to look for other trails.  When you have a good thing, don't go looking for anything else.  Reminds me of a Dorothy quote "if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with!"  Why did I ever go looking for another trail.  All of my bad stuff started when I went to that trail in Westerville!!!  Today, I felt great.  No issues at all.  I wore my compression sleeves on both legs.  I did buy the bright pink ones.  I thought about black and that looks too geeky, like men wearing black knee socks with shorts on.  I thought about white, but that looks too orthopedic.  Pink makes a statement, can't be mistaken for orthopedic or for geeky.  Simply says, I am having too much fun with my 55 year old legs and shins.

Today was so entertaining.  I saw all kinds of people.  I saw a couple that looked like they needed rest, they both had a Tim Horton's cup of coffee and they both had a cigarette in their hand and they looked like they just got out of bed and probably too soon.  Next, I saw two men that had huge beer guts, gray t-shirts to cover their guts and each had a cigar hanging out of their mouths.  They looked like they maybe had too much to drink last night, but they seemed content with their cigar. ( this is on a biking/running trail, think you'd see athletic type people here) I also saw a guy with a bike that had a platform on the front that had a large cooler attached.  It was metal and really looked like a part of an ice cream truck.  He had his whole family with him, several kids.  I also saw MANY people with fake mustaches on their faces.  What's up with that???  I had to laugh, passed at least 200 people with these mustaches.  One lady, had a bright yellow mustache.  I also saw one woman with a black velvet dress and lace collar on a bicycle and a guy with a dress shirt, vest and top hat, all riding bikes.  Then the best of the day, I saw two woman with birds on their hands.  I actually stopped running for this!  Who wouldn't?  I asked if I could take their pictures and they seemed a bit reluctant, but then I told them what I am doing (training for a marathon and writing a blog) and why I would want their picture and they agreed.  They take these beautiful birds on walks.  they have harnesses that fit beneath the wings and then around the chest area, very comfortable.  The birds love the fresh air.  Very nice ladies, I enjoyed talking to them.
Today was the Cap City Marathon.  I expected the trail to be pretty empty, thinking everyone would be at the race.  What I didn't know was that there was a cycling event on the trail, called Market to Market.  The ride was from the Hills Market in Worthington to the North Market in the Arena district, right by downtown.  They have this ride very year and have a theme.  This year's theme is "Mustaches & Monocles" meant to be an historic theme in honor of our bicentennial.  I only found this out when I finished my run and there was a table set up with information about the cycling event.

Here is my Van Morrison song that I really enjoy listening to often.

From the dark end of the street, baby
To the bright side of the road
We'll be lovers, lovers once again
On the bright side of the road

Little baby take my hand
You can help me share this load
From the dark end of the street
To the bright side of the road

And into this life we're born
Baby, sometimes we don't know why
And it goes by so, oh so fast
It's like the twinkling of an eye

Let's enjoy it while we can
Little darlin' come along
Take my hand into that sunny land
On the bright side of the road

Yeah, into this life we're born
Sometimes we don't know why
It seems to go by so terribly fast
In the the twinkling of an eye

Let's enjoy it while we can
Oh my lover come along
From the dark end of the street
To the bright side of the road

From the dark and lonely street
To the bright side of the road
We'll be lovers once again
On the bright side of the road

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