Friday, January 6, 2012

Willie Nelson - The Unclouded Day

1/6/12 - What a great day to be outside!  Its Friday, unusually warm and I finished my three days in a row of 3 miles per day.  Feeling great about that.   I love to check things off of lists.  When I make lists, I will even add something that I have already completed (if it is related to my list) just so I can check it off.  I can't wait to check off this week when it is done, yeah!!!

It was 57 degrees and sunny.  Had a great run.   I tried to run on the cart path of our golf course a few days ago and it was icy in many spots.  I guess I forgot that while the streets are salted and have no ice, they do not salt the cart paths.  Today I figured it was a safe bet that the ice had melted.  It was absolutely gorgeous out there.  I was hoping to see deer, but probably the wrong time of day. I see them a lot in the early morning.

The Unclouded Day - "Oh they tell me of a land where no storm clouds rise, oh they tell me of an uncloudy day".  The guys that wrote that song had to be thinking about the day I saw today!

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