Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Simon and Garfunkel - Sounds of Silence

1-25-12 Day 2!  Ran early today because I have late meetings at the office.  It was about 30 degrees with no wind, so very pleasant.  I am glad that I got my run in early, feels good to not have to worry about whether I will fit it in, or rather, how I will fit it in.

Exactly 3 miles today, mostly on the golf course.  It is so beautiful and peaceful there.  I saw deer again, took another picture.  It is very hilly and I even stopped and walked up one hill, it was straight up!  If I had my garmin I would know what the elevation increase was.  but that is another story.  Last night when I finsihed my run, my battery life ont he garmin was about 70%.  12 hours later it was totally dead.  Seems it used to last longer, I hope it is not dying.

Hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again.  Because a vision slowly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains,  within the sound of silence.....

It is so quiet on the golf course.  No cars, no barking dogs, no other people, just the sound of silence.  The only living creatures that I saw were three deer and one rabbit.  I didn't even hear any squawking birds! well, maybe that was because of my headphones and my friend Pandora.

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