Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bachman Turner Overdrive - Taking Care of Business

1-26-12  We had freezing rain this morning so I did not run out side.  What a crappy day and what a disappointment.  The good news is that I am back in the swing of things and feeling good, no mysterious unexplained pain, no numb foot, all is well.  I have devised a work schedule that I think is going to work.  I have mapped out which days I will work from home so that I can run in the morning and which days I can leave early and run in the afternoon.  Given that many of my work commitments are the same from week to week, having a set schedule will leave no room for "having to figure it out" each week.  When I first started thinking about doing this, I really was doubtful that I could find the time.  I really don't like to run the minute I get up, like at 5am.  The Arimidex that I take for cancer treatment has a side effect that makes you feel old and makes it really hard to walk first thing when you get up.  I literally have to hold the stair railing and sort of lower myself down one step at a time to get coffee.  Sometimes, I even shower to loosen up my body even when I am going to work out, I just need to hot water. Since I am old anyway, then add medicine that makes you feel old on top of that, I feel like I am about 20 years older than I am when I first get out of bed.  It takes a little while.  So, being able to have a few cups of coffee, get the kids off to school and then run at 7:30 am as opposed to 5:00 am is really helpful (which is what I would have to do to run in the morning and  actually go to the office by 8:00am).

I ran 3 miles today on the treadmill in my basement.  I hate doing any more than about a mile on a treadmill because I get so bored.  It is in the basement, nothing to look at.  The volume of my TV does not go loud enough to hear the TV over the sound of the treadmill (it is almost an antique TV, I took a picture to show the side view, this is not a flat screen, lol!).  I am actually very proud of my clever answer to this today!  I took my Nook, strapped it to the treadmill with a shoelace and voila!  I watched Arrested Development on Netflix while running.  It worked pretty well!

I started watching Arrested Development many years ago, not when it was actually on TV, but I had rented it from Blockbuster and used to watch it when I ran on the treadmill, back when the volume on my antique TV worked a lot better.  I always thought it was hilarious.  When I loaded Netflix to my Nook last week and realized I could get TV shows, there was no question about what I wanted to watch.  Today I watched the fist 2 episodes.  The 2nd episode is where they burn the banana stand.  While they are watching it burn to the ground, the song Taking Care of Business is played.  It just made me laugh so hard.

I also realized after a while, why Tobias looks so familiar.  He is David Cross, Uncle Ian from the Alvin and the Chipmunk movie.  That actor is so good at playing a total moron, idiot, loser, misfit.  I love it
when he keeps going in to the shower so that he can cry/wail about his terrible acting / tryout experiences without having anyone in the family hear him.  I just love him.

When you get up every morning from the alarm clock's warning take the 8:15 into the city......there's a whistle up above and people pushin, people shovin......Taking care of business, every day, taking care of busienss every way....

Bachman Turner Overdrive, totally reminds me of High school.  Pam Bacon and Karen Climie. Terri Lobdell singing on the fireplace hearth with candle sticks for microphones.

1 comment:

  1. Tobias is the best part of Arrested Development! He is just so ridiculous and pathetic. I love that show
