Sunday, February 12, 2012

Glen Campbell - Elusive Butterfly

2-12-12   Week 3 is done!  Woohoo!  

 I can't believe I even ran today.  It was sooooo cold.  I had a hard time getting out the door.  It was 16 degrees and wind chill of 9 this morning.  Part of me wanted to wait until afternoon because it was supposed to warm up to 28 degrees, BUT I was afraid that I would end up not running at all.  Best to get it done and not have it hanging over my head, playing mental games with myself all day.  Once I got going, the sun came out and it was pretty nice.  I did learn today that your nose runs more when you are running straight in to the wind.  No idea why but it did.  Glad that I remembered extra Kleenex.

I listened to some of Whitney Houston's music today and thought I would name my post today after her.  That was a thought that I had early this morning.  Then I watched the CBS Sunday Morning show with Charles Gibson.  He did a story about Glen Campbell.  Glen is 75 and has Alzheimer's.  He is doing a final tour, his three children are his band and are doing the show with him.  What a great story.  He forgets sometimes that he has played a song and tries to start it again.  His daughter very sweetly tells him that he just played that and he makes light of the fact the the children never have learned to take his lead.    I really like him.  I decided that I would listen to some of his music while I was running.  I entered his name for a new playlist on Pandora.  It played one song of his that I had never heard and then played a lot of Kenny Chesney, Darth Brooks, George Strait, etc.  No more Glen Campbell for a couple of miles!  Just as I was getting really tired, wishing I was home and thinking I should listen to something else, The Elusive Butterfly song started!  It gave me the extra pep I needed to smile and keep going.  I really like that song, never knew the name. 

        You might wake up some morning
        To the sound of something moving past your window in the wind
        And if you're quick enough to rise
        You'll catch the fleeting glimpse of someone's fading shadow
        Out on the new horizon you may see the floating motion of a distant pair of wings
        And if the sleep has left your ears
        You might hear footsteps running through an open meadow
        Don't be concerned it will not harm you
        It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
        Across my dreams with nets of wonder I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

I am watching the Grammy's now.  There will be plenty of tributes to Whitney tonight.  This is so very sad.  I always think of the Villa Nova when I hear her song "I will always love you".  I think of Lonnie Ishler, who has also passed away.  (Guess I should clarify that point, now that I am rereading this a day later.)  There was a juke box at the Villa Nova.  Some people would play this song over and over, all night long.  Lonnie would just get so mad.  I don't think he really liked her or was just tired of the over play.
They are also doing a special tribute to Glen, I think a lifetime achievement award.  I have seen him several times on the show already, in the audience.  I am glad that he can be there and enjoy it this year, may not happen again for him.

I did not see a single other person while I was running today. It was COLD! I was tired because I was up too late last night and I have a chest cold starting.  I started coughing last night and felt a little sluggish.  I was tired before I even finished one mile.  But I made it, yeah!  It was Eskimo weather today.

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