Friday, March 2, 2012

The Beatles - Blackbird & Piggies

3-2-12 Today is Pizza night, unless it is during Lent and then it is fish Fry night.  I don't want to go to Fish Fry tonight though.  I took the boys out to dinner last night because Bob had a poker party to go to.  Bob and I are going to a big fundraiser party tomorrow night.  I just want to stay home tonight.  We started watching War Horse last night and I'd like to get in jammies early and watch the rest of that. 
I have a friend that is a bit younger than me and I think she has a bit more disposable income than
I do.  She keeps emailing me pictures of fancy dresses and hats that she wants me to buy.  Ha-ha!  Does this look anything like Bob and me?  I have a feeling that I will be wearing something that I find in my closet tomorrow.

I ran 3 miles today, need to run 7 miles tomorrow.   the way this program works is that you increase by one mile, two weeks in a row, then you go back down a couple of miles for one week and then increase again.  So I ran 9 miles, 10 miles, then I run 7 miles this week, then it is up to 12 miles and then 13 miles, then I'll have a week where I go back down again, and so on.....  My run was mostly good.  My comments earlier this week about my legs feeling back to normal by the end of the week held true today.  I am ready for another long run tomorrow (actually 7 sounds short in comparison).  I did have one problem.  With about 1 mile till home, I got really dizzy.  I immediately sat down on the curb, didn't even think about it.  I sat for about 30 seconds and then felt fine.  I got up slowly and walked for about 30 seconds, then I started running again and was fine.  It really scared me because this is how my vertigo started a few years ago and then I wasn't normal again for at least a month (some might question whether I ever was normal). 
I have talked about how much I like to track things.  I have a Garmin watch that i wear which uses GPS to track my route, pace, time, etc.  When I walk in the back door, it automatically starts transferring the data wirelessly to my 'Garmin Connect".  I also use Run Keeper on my iPhone which has a lot of the same features as the Garmin watch, but I really use that just for the nice lady that tells me to run four minutes, fast and then to walk one minute slow and so on. Then I have my blog that I write every time I run and sometimes when I cross train which I have not done much of lately.  then I have my daily training log where you actually have to use a pen and hand write what you have done.  then last I have my chart that I keep in my work notebook so that I can see what I have done when I am at the office or look to see what runs I have coming up.  Jeez, I wonder what my house might look like if I wasn't spending so much time on all of this?  anyway, here is a link to my run.  You can see the route, all the details about how slow I am, the elevation of my route, lots of stuff.
3 Miler by pammieben at Garmin Connect - Details

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Black bird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
all your life
you were only waiting for this moment to be free

Have you seen the little piggies
Crawling in the dirt
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse
Always having dirt to play around in.

Have you seen the bigger piggies
In their starched white shirts
You will find the bigger piggies
Stirring up the dirt
Always have clean shirts to play around in.

In their sties with all their backing
They don't care what goes on around
In their eyes there's something lacking
What they need's a damn good whacking.

Everywhere there's lots of piggies
Living piggy lives
You can see them out for dinner
With their piggy wives
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.

Piggies and Blackbird.  I listened to the white Album on my run.  I like most of the songs on that album although there are a few that I don't like.  Matthew and Carson really like Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and they asked me to play in this morning in the car.  I like getting them all wound up from a fun upbeat song and then dropping them at school for someone else to deal with (not really).  We do turn up the radio pretty loud and sing!  I picked piggies and blackbird because the chirping and pig snorts that have been added to the soundtracks really crack me up.  Listen to the songs again if you haven't heard them in 30 or 40 years!  Piggies is an interesting song for many reasons.  first, it is not about barnyard pigs or American police officers also know as pigs during those years.  It is a social statement about the difference in classes between the poor and the rich.  another interesting thing is that this song was written by George but had a little help from John and even one line written by George's mother Louise.  She added, what they needs a damn good whacking, leave ti to a mother to come up with that one.  Last, when they recorded this song, they were in one studio room and their producer, Chris Thomas, noticed a harpsichord in another studio room down the hall. 
He suggested they include the harpsichord so they moved down the hall and George told Chris to play it so Chris Thomas plays the harpsichord in this song.  I love the harpsichord!  It reminds me of heaven.  No not that Heaven, the heaven on earth at Kingswood school.  I loved the stairway going up to heaven (reminds me of another song), I loved the cushions on the benches, I loved the windows and I loved the rooms with the pianos, harpsichord and I am pretty sure there was a full sized harp.  I tried to find pictures of heaven but couldn't.  I looked through yearbooks, google it, found lots of images of the looms at Kingswood but not heaven.  I wonder if it still exists.

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